The Fawn Fund has a growing list of contributors and we want to thank everyone for their support.
Since last week, when the article appeared in the local newspapers and and on CHEK TV, we have received a number of phone calls, notes in the mail and visits from "Friends of the Fawns"
We really appreciate everyone's care and concern!!! A gentle reminder that we are a hospital for sick wildlife and our permits do not allow public viewing of our patients. We need to try to keep them as wild as possible so they can be released back to the wild with as little impact from humans as possible.
Many people are asking if we can provide Charitable tax receipts and the answer is YES!!! For any donations over $10 we can provide a tax receipt if requested. Other folks suggested that we list our number:
Our tax number is 89207 7991 RRooo1
Our Interns ,Megan, Mallory and Camille have been working hard to care for the Fawns, feeding, cleaning, cutting browse, and your donations help us to buy the pasturized milk that we need to keep them in good health. The milk costs anywhere from $4.99 to $5.20 for a 2 ltr container. We are buying 4-5 containers every other day. Megan has now completed her internship but wants to return this summer as a volunteer - WOW!!! Camille is busy writing thank-you notes to the many folks who have donated so far.
We have finally introduced the smallest fawn to the other four. We had kept her separated for some time until we could complete a course of antibiotics. Now she is stronger and is becoming part of the herd. We opened up the pen to allow them more room to run and play. There is access to the pond and one , at least, has learned how to swim. They can really run fast around the pond and have small deer trails through the trees. At night they all bed down together except the baby, who is a bit of a princess and sleeps in the kennel.
If you wish to donate please call or mail us your check or money order. We can also take Visa/Mastercard. (cash is always welcome) A reply will be coming back in the mail soon. Thank you for caring! maj
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